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IIIF Conference 2025 in Leeds - Call for Papers open!


We are pleased to announce that University of Leeds will be hosting the 2025 IIIF (International Image Interoperability Framework) Conference. The conference will take place in-person and we will provide an update when tickets are available. For now, save the dates: 2-5 June 2025. IIIF (pronounced triple-eye-eff) is a set of open standards that enables...

Libraries’ rare cheese manuscript available as digital object


A recently-acquired rare manuscript has been made available to all as a digital object by the University of Leeds Libraries. A pamflyt compiled of cheese, contayninge the differences, nature, qualities, and goodness, of the same by Clement Fisher, believed to date from around 1580, is the oldest known manuscript about British cheesemaking and now forms...

University Library Joins IIIF Consortium


The University of Leeds Library is now a member of the International Image Operability Framework Consortium (IIIF-C), which unites a growing number of GLAM organisations and associated industries in the pursuit of a shared standards and technologies that enable interoperability between, and uniform and rich access to, digital image, audio and video resources in repositories...

Newly acquired Arts & Humanities resources from University of Leeds Libraries


Ian Jennings (Collections Officer, Leeds University Libraries) gives an update on some of the new resources available to staff and students for 2023-4. The Library seeks to respond to requests from all its users for new online resources. At the end of financial year 2022/23 we were fortunate to have extra money available to respond...

Leeds Open Research study at DARIAH2023


Dorka Tamás, Postdoctoral Research Assistant in the library’s Open Research team, presented at the 2023 conference of DARIAH-EU (Digital Research Infrastructure in the Arts and Humanities in Europe) on Cultural Heritage Data and Humanities Data. Dorka’s poster (which can be viewed here) explored humanities and cultural heritage data in the open research case studies at...

Widening Digital Access to Cultural Collections at Leeds


Archival material is being made accessible beyond the University through the use of specialist visualiser equipment in the Special Collections John Bedford Room. Recent events included a hybrid event to celebrate the life of the author Peter Robinson, at which online audiences were able to encounter material from Robinson’s archive in close detail, and the...