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IIIF Conference 2025 in Leeds - Call for Papers open!

University of Leeds

We are pleased to announce that University of Leeds will be hosting the 2025 IIIF (International Image Interoperability Framework) Conference.

The conference will take place in-person and we will provide an update when tickets are available. For now, save the dates: 2-5 June 2025.

IIIF (pronounced triple-eye-eff) is a set of open standards that enables users to add image and text annotations onto an image canvas, creating opportunities for shared research insights, contextualising and storytelling. Objects can be digitally reunited via IIIF where they have become dislocated in the physical world. A particularly useful application of IIIF is the ability to bring two images together on the screen, for example, a preparatory sketch with its final painting, and conduct detailed comparison, using the deep zoom against both.

IIIF functionality is a cornerstone of the Digital Library Infrastructure Project. By Summer 2025, it will be implemented into the Library’s Cultural Collections website, enabling viewers to zoom deep into digital versions of our Special Collections items to see fine grain detail.

The IIIF community is very active and many exciting possibilities are opening up with IIIF to enable, for example, 3D viewing of images or the overlay of images onto maps. The conference will explore innovative uses and developments as well as ways to implement IIIF in teaching, research and learning.

If you would like to submit a proposal for a presentation, the Call for Proposals is open until 21 January 2025.

If you’d like to become involved by helping with preparation beforehand and organisation on the day, do sign up to become a member of the Planning Committee.