The DCCH Internship Blog
Find out more about internship projects in the below posts written by our DCCH interns, or alternatively visit our Podcast page to listen to the podcasts they have produced about their experiences!
Latest posts
Identifying locations in the Bingley Photographic Collection with AI
Before everything starts, how do you think Digital Preservation works? Cultural Digital Preservation is always an interesting topic that has piqued my attention. I am...
Exploration of Methods to Develop an Interactive 3D Website
In this blog post, Special Collections intern Lexi Zhong explores tools for creating and building an interactive website and creating 3d objects from 2d archival...
From Manuscripts to Modern Meals: Digitising Historical Recipes with AI
The second of our DCCH Internship blogs is by Lili Jaber, detailing her work with on the Collections as Data project using the University's Cookery...