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Deliberations in Digitality: Voices from/in the Majority World

Monday 25 March 2024, 12-2

Deliberations in Digitality: Voices from/in the Majority World: a series hosted by the Digital Creativity and Cultures Hub at the University of Leeds will have scholars, practitioners, researchers, and technologists deliberate on the creative, critical, and humanistic possibilities as well as perils of digitality, especially as seen through Global Majority spaces and voices.

For the first event in this series, to be held online on March 25 between 12-2 pm, the speakers will be:

  • Dr. Setsuko Yokoyama: Assistant Professor of Digital Studies, Singapore University of Technology and Design
  • Ms. Nanditi Khilnani & Ms. Ambika Joshi: Co-founders, of Ajaibghar ( an organization that builds product and strategic solutions in Arts & Culture, driven by AI, creative technology and new media affordances.
  • Ms. Ishita Shah: expert in collective community-based curatorial practice and part of the self-founded collective, Curating for Culture.

The event will be convened and moderated by Dr. Dibyadyuti Roy, Lecturer in Cultural Studies, Media Studies, and Digital Humanities at the University of Leeds.

The event will be held online via Zoom: