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Tools for Geospatial Analysis

Tool What can I use this for? Training/Support materials? Licensing
ArcGIS Desktop/Pro Geospatial Imaging and management/manipulation of geospatial data. (Pro application works in 2D and 3D and includes AI) Resources and support | ArcGIS Developers Subscription available through UoL. Download Desktop and Pro from Apps Anywhere.
DigiMap UK Maps/Map Data. Create maps online, or download map data for use with GIS (Geographic Information System) or CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software. Digimap Help Centre ( Register at Digimap website using University of Leeds credentials
HuMap Geospatial Storytelling (interactive maps) Help & Guidance - Humap; support portal for subscribers Paid subscription required
Memory Mapper Geospatial Storytelling (interactive maps) Setup instructions via Memory Mapper GitHub; paid support options Free/Opensource, or paid support options
NodeGoat Data modelling, creation and exploration, visualisation/publishing. Designed for humanities research with emphasis on geographical and chronological mapping and working with sources. Guides and how-tos here. Documentation here. Free/OpenSource web app. Creation of free account required.
Palladio Data modelling, creation and exploration, visualisation/publishing. Designed for humanities research with emphasis on geographical and chronological mapping and working with sources. Tutorials and FAQs here. Submit bugs/issues on GitHub here. Free/OpenSource web app.
Peripleo Browser-based map tool for geospatial visualisation of humanities data. Setup instructions here. Free/OpenSource.
QGIS Geospatial Imaging, free/opensource alternative to ArcGIS. Examples, tutorials, documentation and FAQ available here. Regional user groups hold meetings and online discussions (connect with the UK group here). Free/OpenSource
StoryMap Geospatial Storytelling (interactive maps) Documentation and FAQ here. Free/OpenSource
TimeMapper Geospatial Storytelling (interactive maps); Timelines Documentation and FAQ here. Free/OpenSource