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Tools for Analysing and Visualising Data

Tool What can I use this for? Training/Support materials? License type
D3js (javascript library) and Observable Free, open-source JavaScript library for visualizing data.

Own dataviz platform, Observable notebooks, for plug-and-play coding options (freemium version only suitable for publicly available data).

D3 ‘getting started’ guide, further resources on Observable include Tutorials, documentation as well as community resources and blog D3js: Free/OpenSource

Observable: freemium (tiered subscription model allows private notebooks and extended functionality).

DataWrapper No-code visualisation of quantitative data (charts, maps and tables) based on Python pandas library. Freemium version with high functionality (tiered subscription model with extended functionality)
Gephi Visualisation and exploration of graphs and networks. Tutorials and User Guides here Free/OpenSource
MS Power BI Data modelling, linking and visualisation (mainly for quantitative/structured data). Some visual storytelling applications for textual data. Self-study resources via Microsoft Training Hub. Community help and troubleshooting via PowerBi Forum. Proprietary, access with UoL Microsoft License. Download via AppsAnywhere.
NodeGoat Data modelling, creation and exploration, visualisation/publishing. Designed for humanities research with emphasis on geographical and chronological mapping and working with sources. Guides and how-tos here. Documentation here. Free/OpenSource web app. Creation of free account required.
OpenRefine Cleaning messy data (such as textual data), linking web services and other datasets. User manual here. Support via community forum here. Free/OpenSource. UoL managed laptops may required Admin permissions to install.
Orange Analyse and visualise datasets inc. network analysis, text mining and natural language processing. No coding required: Graphical User Interface (GUI) with drag-and-drop toolkit. Documentation here. Tutorials and how-to guides here, troubleshooting via StackExchange community. Free/OpenSource.
Palladio Data modelling, creation and exploration, visualisation/publishing. Designed for humanities research with emphasis on geographical and chronological mapping and working with sources. Tutorials and FAQs here. Submit bugs/issues on GitHub here. Free/OpenSource web app.
RAWGraphs Visualisation of quantitative data. Use in-browser using web-app, or host on GitHub. Tutorials and FAQ. Free/OpenSource
Tableau Visualisation of quantitative data. Tableau Public (free) for open datasets. Instructor Resource Page ( (includes ‘getting started’ guides) Tableau: Free education licenses available (1 year, renewable). Request here: Tableau for Teaching

Install on UoL managed machines via AppsAnywhere

Free tool for open datasets: Tableau Public